Re: What should be done to do this with OpenType features?
Look into "ignore" statements. The OpenType Cookbook is a useful survey. And this Glyphs tutorial might be helpful too, even if you're not using Glyphs.1 -
Re: Interesting OpenType Trick
@"Nick Shinn"'s Checker is an example.1 -
/gbreve in current events
I'm seeing these ugly substitutions everywhere on the web. Is this because the type designs themselves neglected to include /gbreve, or is some character-set optimization for the web to blame?2 -
Re: Coming from where, at what age?
I'm still keeping my old career (art-history professor) going, but I started my part-time type design at thirty-nine.2 -
Re: Fraction Slash
In part that may be because a century ago fonts didn't routinely come in families with weights ranging to extra bold or black (the squeezed Pabst example above notwithstanding).2